Weber Maschinenbau takes over all shares of Wente/Thiedig GmbH

Weber Maschinenbau has held 51% of the shares in Wente/Thiedig GmbH since 2015. The Braunschweig company specializes in optical measurement technology and industrial image processing in the food sector. In September, Weber also took over the remaining 49% of the company, which means that Wente/Thiedig GmbH is now a one hundred percent member of the Weber Group.
For CEO Tobias Weber, full integration of the company into the Weber Group was the next logical and, above all, strategic step: “With the integration into the Weber portfolio, we have secured the great expertise in image processing, which has been used in our machines for decades. And it is precisely this competence that is to be further expanded: As a new company location, Braunschweig is now being expanded into a Weber competence center for image processing and the use of artificial intelligence in production systems for fresh products in the food processing industry."
The companies have already been working together on an amicable and exclusive basis since 1996. Therefore, the workforce at the Braunschweig site as well as the previous co-shareholders of Wente/Thiedig GmbH, Dr. Bernd Köster and Stefan Quast are also happy about the integration. The way is now free for further investments in the future of the company and especially for many new perspectives and development opportunities.