
Weber Maschinenbau donates over 600 protective masks to local hospitals

Many hospitals, nursing homes and medical practices currently lack the necessary protective equipment. Even though the number of cases in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is currently still low, the company Weber Maschinenbau in Neubrandenburg received a call for help on Monday from an anesthesiologist at the DRK hospital in Neustrelitz.

Protective masks are urgently needed for the daily work of doctors and medical staff here – and only 50 are still available. The purchasing department at the Weber site in Neubrandenburg reacted immediately and checked the current stock. The pleasing conclusion: the warehouse counted a total of 600 valuable FFP3 protective masks. "When the call for help came, it was immediately clear to us: If we can help, we will help. Therefore, we really donated our entire stock and are pleased that we were able to make an important contribution in this trying times", comments Robert Schwabe, authorized signatory and Head of Purchasing at Weber, on the decision. Normally, the protective masks are used in the sheet metal construction department of the machine manufacturer. For the employees in this department, too, the support of the donation was not even up for discussion for a second; the collective "Go" was given immediately. So that the protective masks can save lives in the context of medical work.

After Weber contacted the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Clinic in Neubrandenburg, urgent needs were also reported there and the protective masks inventory was therefore split up: The DRK hospital in Neustrelitz is happy to receive 200 protective masks, the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Hospital in Neubrandenburg is happy to receive 400 protective masks for daily work. Almost at the same time, the transport services of the clinics drove to the Weber company premises to receive the protective masks. "You have saved the day", commented the management of the clinic gratefully on the relief action.

Although fewer protective masks than in Neubrandenburg and Neustrelitz, Weber in Breidenbach donated the rest of the available stock to the local hospital in Biedenkopf. “We packed all the protective masks that we still had available in our warehouse and delivered them to the hospital. The gratitude of the nursing staff there was enormous. We are very happy that we can help with the donation of the masks," says Guido Sonneborn, Production Manager at Weber in Breidenbach. Weber was also able to support the hospital in Siegen – with 20 urgently needed protective goggles for the nursing staff.

Help, stick together and protect health – an important message for all of us to quickly overcome this crisis.