Weber growth continues – in Germany and worldwide
Just three months after the starting signal for the construction of two new production halls in Neubrandenburg and a new building for the sales and technical departments in Breidenbach, the once empty spaces have visibly developed. At the headquarters in Breidenbach the new building shell is almost complete. Already in Spring 2012, the new corridors should be finished and will be filled with life. On 2,200 square metres, around 100 colleagues will find 24 new offices. The construction works in Neubrandenburg proceed alike: until June 2012, two new halls will be built up. Weber invests almost 10 million Euros in the Neubrandenburg-site. Besides the putting up of the halls, investment focus lies on new machines, even more efficient logistics and the modernization of the IT infrastructure.
The new buildings show Weber’s continuously increasing success in an impressive way. In addition to the three German sites, the business group runs seven European and US subsidiaries in close proximity to its customers. In cooperation with over 50 international sales partners every market on the world map may be served. Weber’s customers reward this ambition and commitment and the exclusive quality of Weber products and service with a notable plus in orders. It is expected that the business year 2011 ends with a solidly increased growth in sales compared to the last year. The globally growing demand for high performance slicers contribute to the Weber expansion strategy. The company faces these challenges by opening new subsidiaries, i.e. the foundation of Weber Russia at the beginning of this year on the one hand - and by enhancing the sales and production capacities on the German sites on the other hand.
Weber’s striking success asked for continuous expansion. In 1981, Günther Weber founded his company in Breidenbach starting with six employees only. Today, Weber employs 800 colleagues on ten sites worldwide and is regarded as the world market leader in manufacturing slicers for the food processing industry.