
Weber employees win Rudolf-Loh Award

The "Development and production of a test bench for analysis and definition of parameters on ball screw drives" impressed the jury and brought them the first place in the competition for Rudolf-Loh award. Two of the four team members work at Weber Maschinenbau in Breidenbach: Deborah Freistein as a detail designer in the Development department and Markus Haas as a software developer in automation technology. Like their team colleagues, the two each received a certificate and 200 Euros of prize money. In the final round, for which they already qualified in March, the team around the two Weber employees beat five other project groups.

Test bench for Weber quality assurance

Weber graduates in mechanical engineering (Deborah Freistein) and electrical engineering (Markus Haas) completed roughly 2400 of classes on a part-time  basis over four years – twice a week in the evening and on Saturday morning. They also invested a lot of free time in the final project, which they were able to develop and implement in cooperation with Weber. The test bench was commissioned in Weber's quality assurance in July.

The Rudolf-Loh Award was founded by the two owners Friedhelm and Joachim Loh – in memory of their father and company founder Rudolf Loh, who would have been one hundred in 2013. The jury consists of representatives from the Loh Group in Haiger, Central Hesse. Criteria based on which the winners were selected were the difficulty of the task set, the creativity of the solution and the benefit to people, companies and region and the strength of the solution to the problem.