Sweets at the push of a button - Weber apprentices present the candy dispenser
After half a year of intensive work, the Weber apprentices now presented how much know-how has been put into the development of their project: The dispenser has a turntable on the upper side, in which the sweets are stored in small chambers. With the help of a separate control system, the desired product can be selected. At the push of a button the selected chamber opens and the candy falls onto a conveyor belt which transports it to the opening of the dispenser. There the treat can be removed. In function and appearance, the trainees have oriented themselves on the Weber machines: A stainless steel housing and blue conveyor belts are part of the equipment as well as built-in LEDs. In this respect, the trainees took the Slicer S6 as a model: When the dispenser is ready for operation, its interior shines blue. However, the lighting effects are not only for optical reasons, but were also installed for safety reasons. If, for example, the cover of the turntable is open, the LEDs light up red and the dispenser cannot be put into operation. Masha Dittmann, a trainee at Weber since 2018, is enthusiastic about the result: "What I particularly like about our project at Weber is that we trainees from different departments worked closely together. Whether design engineers, mechatronics engineers, industrial clerks or trainees from other areas - everyone made their contribution. With the development of the candy dispenser, we were able to combine our specialist skills in one project. We are very proud of the result". In the future, the candy dispenser is to be used at training and career fairs and will ensure that visitors' eyes light up.