Weber Maschinenbau becomes Weber Food Technology.
Food producers worldwide are advancing the automation of their production and strive to source processing and packaging lines from a single provider. Machinery and plant manufacturers in the food industry must adapt accordingly. In response to this trend over recent years, Weber Maschinenbau has undergone a comprehensive transformation from a machinery manufacturer to a solution provider. The company has expanded its international presence and placed the needs of customers at the center of all activities and developments. As the next step in this transformation, the logical consequence is the renaming: As of January 1, 2024, Weber Maschinenbau GmbH Breidenbach will become Weber Food Technology GmbH. This will make the company’s identity directly apparent in its name.
The focus of Weber Food Technology is on developing and providing solutions for food processing, specifically for perishable, fresh food. Weber has particularly established a leading position in the field of sliced meat production and packaging within the industry. However, over the past years, the company has consistently expanded its portfolio to include solutions for other areas such as piece goods, as well as snacks and convenience products. Nevertheless, the name change marks a significant milestone in the company's development: In the future, the Weber solution portfolio will be even more diversified to serve additional markets. The expansion on a global scale is a central component of Weber Food Technology’s strategic orientation. The new name takes this focus and strategy into account. “We are committed to helping customers worldwide achieve their goals and ensure the food supply of the population. Providing solutions for processing and packaging fresh food is our mission, and as a partner to the food industry, it also remains our obligation to the customer and society” emphasizes Tobias Weber, CEO of Weber Food Technology GmbH. This is realized through comprehensive complete solutions, innovative technology, as well as first-class service and consulting.
As part of the renaming, the TEXTOR brand, under which slicers and other line components were previously marketed, willbe integrated into Weber. The Wolfertschwenden location will remain an important development and production location within the Weber Group. The highly successful products developed under the TEXTOR brand will continue to be part of the Weber portfolio.