Weber founds subsidiary in Russia
The new company operates under the name of 'Weber Russia O.O.O'. The triple 'O' stands for 'Obschtschestvo s Ogranitschennoj Otwetstwennostju' the Russian equivalent to the German GmbH or the British 'limited'. Why at all Russia? 'Opening an office in Moscow is part of a strategy to be very close at the rising markets of the East with our own organisations', Weber Maschinenbau's head of international sales Mr. Dietmar Bohlen explains. The boom in these areas mainly results from a change of habits among the consumers east of Germany. 'As of shortly people primarily chose piece-goods when it came to lunchmeat, ham, bacon or cheese', Mr. Josef Michailov explains. A by-product of the ongoing widespread of supermarkets, the positive economical developments and the mounting prosperity of the societies in these countries is that sliced meat and cheese are getting more and more relevant. 'To answer these demands the industry needs powerful and high quality slicing systems'. So it's hardly surprising that especially Weber's Slicers and Food Robotics are highly regarded and wanted in Eastern Europe and Russia. Mr. Josef Michailov and his team of competent salespersons and service employees are directly at the pulse of the market with Weber Russia O.O.O. Next to the Russian Federation the squad is also responsible for supporting clients in neighbouring countries like Ukraine. Weber is a highly respected partner in Eastern Europe and the other countries of the former USSR due to the know-how it could accumulate during the last decades. 'We want to reward this trust with first class support, a lot of ambition and a direct and qualified consulting service', says the just installed general manager Mr. Josef Michailov. 'The demands of our clients in Russia and its direct neighbours are growing - we meet these challenges with the competence of our very own qualified staff.'