"We are proud that all graduates continue their professional or educational path at Weber"
Nine young specialists have successfully completed their apprenticeship or dual study program at Weber Maschinenbau in Breidenbach this year. In a ceremony, CEO Tobias Weber and Hartmut Blöcher, head of human resources and managing director, honored the graduates. The journey at Weber is not over for any of them: seven graduates have been taken on as full-time employees, two graduates have opted for further education in the form of a dual Bachelor's program.

"As a company we have several reasons to celebrate. Of course, the top results of our graduates are first and foremost due to their ambition and commitment. But they also speak for the intensive, personal support during the educational period at Weber and for a high-quality training program. The fact that all graduates continue their professional or educational path at Weber makes us proud," says Hartmut Blöcher happily. The knowledge and zest for action of the young talents is above all important for the innovativeness of the company and a great enrichment. Personal and professional training and further development have therefore always been a high priority in the owner-managed family business and are not only supported, but actively promoted. The fact that this philosophy is absolutely correct and bears fruit is confirmed by the excellent performance of Weber graduates every year. In this training year three of them even belong to the best examinee of the IHK Lahn-Dill.
As a personal gift Tobias Weber and Hartmut Blöcher presented the graduates of the meanwhile 34th training year with a voucher and a cell phone holder manufactured by Weber. Weber Maschinenbau currently offers apprenticeships in eight different professions and five dual study courses.