Recertification of Weber Neubrandenburg
TÜV Nord CERT tested Weber in November. Two auditors of the certification center checked all departments of the branches in Neubrandenburg and Groß Nemerow. Weber Maschinenbau takes such tests by TÜV Nord regularly. They are essential to getting the certificate of quality. The new certificate can be seen as a document for the good attainments in recent years. It is also a benchmark and an impulse for doing first-class work in years to come. Since the last audit in 2006 Dirk Kleinwächter and the extern mentor for quality management, Marcus Dose, took care for the abidance of the standards in all departments of Weber Neubrandenburg. TÜV Nord arranged monitoring audits as well as internal audits and workshops for quality management. The aim of the arrangements for the abidance of quality standards is to optimize working processes and achieve a high level in product quality and a good price performance ratio. Now Weber Neubrandenburg is certified until 2013.