
Integrated degree program: graduated, honoured and employed

With that means, Weber is competing with other potential employers for future experts and young leaders. Therefore, apprentices and students at the medium sized world market leader again and again belong to the best of their years. At the Technical Institute Mittelhessen in Wetzlar, Hesse two of Weber's students received their diploma for passing the colleges' integrated degree program.

Katharina Kring and Michael Wagner both successfully have passed their exams in economics (business administration for medium sized enterprises). The technical institute of Mittelhessen offers a special integrated training program called 'StudiumPlus'. Next to the theoretical part, the full-fledged college courses are strongly oriented to practical experience. Therefore, half of the training takes place in companies like Weber. The integrated degree programs at the technical institute are possible because of a cooperation between mainly Hessian businesses, the local Chambers of Industry and Commerce and the Technical Institute Mittelhessen.

Overall, 207 students passed 'StudiumPlus' in 2011. At the celebrations in Wetzlar Katharina Kring has been honoured specially with a prize for her social commitment. For both, Katharina Kring as well as her fellow student Michael Wagner, the work at Weber continues seamlessly: both of them have been hired directly from the school desk to support Weber with their knowledge.