Full house at Weber: CID 2017 in full swing
The managing partner’s opening remarks were followed in the morning program by presentations given by Georg Herbertz, owner of Herbertz Dairy Food Service, with an interesting look at current trends and developments in the international dairy market with an ever-growing worldwide demand for cheese overall and for new challenges in customer demand (innovative, healthy and convenient products). Dr. Peter Muranyi from Fraunhofer Institute focused on new approaches to shelf-life prolongation of cheese by means of special coatings that while not hampering the taste and touch of the product simultaneously help inhibit the growth of spores and mold.
In their joint presentation, Greifswald-based Dr. Claudia Stancu and Dr. Christian Theel from the Leibniz Institute and neoplas, respectively, outlined innovative approaches to decontamination and surface treatment in food-processing with cold plasma - a valuable contribution to food safety. Additionally, Weber’s guests are enjoying a wide variety of exhibition booths courtesy of partners such as Alpma, Coveris, ELS LabelTechnologie, Elten, Mondini, norflex ergo.fol, Omori Europe, poly-clip, PrintCheese, pulsotronic, Vemag, Viscofan, Wente/Thiedig and Wipotec.
More to come at Weber incl. hands-on demo labs with slicers, packaging machines, robotics and more after the lunch break ...