All-in-one - Weber shows complete line at FachPack
CEO Tobias Weber was delighted to receive lots of amazing feedback from our visitors: „FachPack is a wonderful opportunity to meet and to talk to both our existing customers and partners and a great variety of new faces. This show has developed into much more than the regional fair as which it started out several years ago. FachPack is now an important meeting point for our global industry, and we are very happy to show to our guests what our teams have been working on to make us a state-of-the-art provider of complete solutions.“ Our S6 slicer flagship performing in efficient harmony with the integrated wePICK 7000 pick robot and our wePACK 7000 packaging machine: such a high-performance line solution is second to none worldwide. Going together with pioneering services like weCONNECT and weLINK and the exemplary Weber Guardian program are our innovative packaging concepts that meet the very highest demands in food safety, recyclability and conservation of resources. Our aim to get all FachPack visitors excited: disappearing borders between singular components, rather allowing the whole cold-cuts line to become one – always with our eyes set on our customers’ very individual demands.
„Getting such good feedback about our highly efficient and integrated slicing-and-packaging solutions on the one hand makes us very proud“, says Tobias Weber. „However, this also serves as extra motivation to maintain such a high level of innovation and reliability for customers of all sizes and volumes in the future as well. Furthermore, we don’t want to offer them technical solutions only, but we share a clear commitment to sustainable packaging solutions at the same time.“