
30 years of high-tech for the global market

Only a couple of years later, the company started to design and manufacture slicers for the meat and dairy processing industries - thereby setting the path for a unique success story for a medium-sized German engnineering company.

Weber Maschinenbau has always been a company with local roots and international orientation. So, the first Weber Slicer 'CCS 7000', for example, was sold to a company in Switzerland. The still actual Weber-maxim 'Best service near to the customers' takes on a particular significance with the establishment of the first international branch. In 1996, Weber Inc. is founded in Kansas City. Shortly before the turn of the millennium, Weber continued to invest in its German sites and founded a second production facility in Neubrandenburg in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The number of employees has risen to 270. Weber Maschinenbau has grown from a medium-sized Hessian company into a global brand.

Then, in 2005, another production facility was opened in Groß Nemerow, near Neubrandenburg. Only one year later, a Weber subsidiary was opened in France, near to the French capital, Paris. This was followed by the 'Benelux' branch, located in Capelle aan den Ijssel in the Netherlands. In order to increase its strengths and independence in the Eastern European boom markets, Weber opened branches in Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and the Russian Federation during the following years. Today, Weber employs almost 800 people in ten locations across seven different countries. The company is world market leader with slicers. It's almost unbelievable that this success was achieved in only three decades …